
hands title: 

§11. Tiler's Ten Commandments

hands date: 

26 May 2024

hands text: 
And the Old Tiler spake all these words, saying:
Before thou beginnest, make sure that the surfaces are structurally solid. Know ye not that thy labours shall be in vain if that upon which thou workest wobbles, bendeth, or saggeth?
Thou shalt consider the substratum. Combine the compatible with the compatible, and combine not the incompatible with the incompatible. Lay not cement adhesive upon plaster of Paris, plywood, or OSB. Remember to put a decoupling membrane over the underfloor heating. Place not heavy tiles upon plasterboard. The best installation is as nought if tiles falleth therefrom.
Thou shalt identify the focal point of the room.
Thou shalt not hasten with the layout. Recall the ancient rule: thou shalt not place the first tile until thou knowest where the last tile shall go. An error at this stage is fatal.
Thou shalt not attempt to level the floor or the wall with adhesive whilst laying the tiles. This may be attainable for a tile or two, but as a system, it leadeth to perdition.
Thou shalt not forget to seal the tiles if it be needful.
During installation, thou shalt continuously check the geometry.
Thou shalt adhere to a good application technique. Be not deceived: tiles fail more often because of bad labour than of bad adhesive.
Thou shalt not forget the movement joints.
Choose wisely the momentum for grout removal. If in doubt, a little late is better than too early.